Solid Tech Radius Column Pair 65,5 mm SI + SPIKES

-10 %

RRP 98,00 €

1 pair | 88,20 € €/pair
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Reset selection 65,5 mm SI + SPIKES
-10 %

Radius corner-pillars are made from the finest Swedish Aluminum extrusion and beatifully anodized in either deep black or satin silver finish.
The choice of Aluminum and extensive internal bracing provides for a very favorable weight/stiffness ratio and a non ringing design.

Four well chosen lengths constitute standard range, namely 65,5; 150; 234,5 and 319mm.
You receive a 2 year warranty from the date of purchase for all of our high quality hifi-products.

If you observe any problem while using the product, you have the possibility to contact our friendly service team.

You can also easily manage your guarantee concern – without being obliged to – under the section My Account.

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