Klang + Ton The Wall Speaker Kit without Cabinet (pair price) Standard

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RRP 558,00 €

2 piece | 249,00 € €/piece
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The Wall Transmissionline

The VTL elicits the ultimate low frequency performance from the JORDAN JX92 full range drive unit and provides a superior standard of sound quality to many larger, conventional multi-way systems. This has been carefully designed to offer the positive qualities of the TL whilst maintaining an elegant and domestic-friendly appearance. The broad shape enhances the sound and makes it easy to place against a wall. The system is capable of operating from 45Hz to 20kHz.
The only acoustic wadding necessary with this enclosure is a piece of felt or foam, lining the rear wall of the driver cavity. A slot should be cut in the felt to match the hole in the rear of the JX92 magnet assembly. No wadding is required in the line itself, although some constructors have adjusted the sound to their own taste by placing a small amount of wadding in the vent opening.

Following parts are delivered with the standard kit:
Driver JX 92, IT air coil 1.4 CU, SOLEN MKP cpacitorr, IT ELKO, MOX 10 Watt, INAKUSTIK ATMOS AIR 195 cable,
long fibre lambs wool, M4 hexagon socket screw with drive in screw bolts and gold plated Terminals.



You receive a 2 year warranty from the date of purchase for all of our high quality hifi-products.

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Michael E. Brieden Verlag GmbH
Gartroper Straße 42
47138 Duisburg

Tel: +49(0)203-4292-0

E-mail: info@brieden.de
