Bluehorizon Spike Shoe Extreme 4-er Set

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RRP 499,00 €

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Bluehorizon Spike Shoe Extreme 4-er Set

Blue Horizon's new Spike Shoe Extreme is the ultimate tool for eliminating resonance energy.

The Blue Horizon Spike Shoe Extreme is a high mass, multi-resonance diffuser that quickly dissipates energy through minimal point contact. The main purpose of the design is to channel all the resonant energy in the most effective and direct way by following proper design philosophies combined with material usage.

Two systems work in parallel. The first eliminates all cabinet or speaker resonances as quickly as possible with high efficiency through a 3-simplex concept. The vibrations are then neutralized within the device through the use of a unique chaotic compound, consisting of materials at opposite ends of the elasticity spectrum, which eliminates and cancels resonance over a wider frequency range. Through this unique process, the Spike Shoe Extreme has no tonal signature or characteristic, it does not shift the sound of an audio system, but simply expands the soundstage with more air and space. The microdynamics are also improved and the lower bass range is more precise.

The Spike Shoe Extreme's outer shell is precision machined from solid stainless steel, known for its high tensile strength, durability and corrosion resistance. Its three-dimensional shape is designed to respond to all vibrations like an upside-down bell and has a very neutral and short resonance time.

The Spike Shoe Extreme is sold in sets of 4, each with a point load of over 100 kg. They can be used with all speaker systems as well as under spiked components.

Key Features
  • Precision machined solid stainless steel case
  • Hardened ball bearings and chaotic Resonance Deadening Compound (RDC) on the inside
  • Compressed cork and rubber compound on the bottom
  • Suitable for any speaker or electronic component that has spikes
  • Delivered in a set of 4
  • Each has a point load of over 100kg
  • Dimensions: 55mm diameter, 20mm high

What is unique is that the milled stainless steel outer shell of each Spike Shoe Extreme allows a spike load of over 100 kg. The proprietary blend of all parts used are at opposite ends of the elasticity spectrum. The different resonant frequencies of these materials ensure that the resonance is evenly attenuated across the entire audio band, rather than just providing a tonal shift.

The combination of improved coupling and effective resonance control offers clearly audible benefits. It expands the sound and improves the definition in the bass right up to the treble range. The soundstage opens up and microdynamics expand.
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